You can easily share your Buncee lesson, activity, or even a Buncee Board filled with resources with your students in Google Classroom, for easy access or to prompt a virtual discussion.
Watch the video at the bottom of this article to learn how, or simply follow these steps:
Step 1
In the Share Menu of your Buncee, toggle the 'Copyable' button to 'On'.
Step 2
Next, select the tab in the Share Menu that says 'Social'. Click on the green Google Classroom icon.
Step 3
Select the class that you'd like to share your Buncee to, then choose an action among 'Create assignment', 'Ask question', 'Make an announcement', or 'Create material'.
Step 4
Fill out the necessary information to complete the action you chose.
Now your students should be able to see the Buncee you shared in their Google Classroom!