Step 1
Click on the Share button in the top right corner of your Buncee canvas.
Step 2
Under the 'Settings' tab, switch the 'Copyable' toggle to 'On'.
How Others Can Copy Your Buncees
If your Buncee is 'Copyable', recipients will see a 'Copy' button on the top while viewing the Buncee you shared. They can click this to copy your Buncee and edit their own version.
How To Make A Copy Of Your Own Buncee
If you would like to copy your own Buncee, first go to the Buncee Dashboard by clicking on the Buncee logo at the top left of the screen.
Once you are in the Dashboard, find the Buncee you want to copy by either searching for it or scrolling down. Then, click the three dots on the Buncee thumbnail and click 'Duplicate'.
You will then find a copy of that Buncee in your Buncee Dashboard.