There are 2 options for you to share a Buncee to a Buncee Board! The first option describes how to add Buncees to your Buncee Board directly from the Board. The second option shares how to add Buncees to a Board right from a Buncee.
Option 1: Selecting Buncees or Pasting Buncee URL's to a Board
- If prompted to do so, login to your Buncee account
- Click the + icon
Option 1A: Enter Buncee URL (Note: make sure the Buncee is NOT private)
Then, click Add this Buncee
Awesome! You've added your Buncee to the Buncee Board! Now, stay put for the reactions and comments to your creation.
NOTE: If the creator has enabled "Require Approval," then your Buncee will be under review and hidden until it's approved by the creator of the Board.
Option 1B: Select Choose a Buncee
Then, select up to 5 Buncees you'd like to add from your account. Once you've selected your Buncees, press Submit. All Buncees will then be added to your board!
Option 2: Share a Buncee to a Board directly using a Board Code
Every Buncee Board now has a code located on the top right of it. A sample is show in the image below.
Take the code for the board you'd like to share to. Then, open the Buncee you'd like to share to that Buncee Board and open the Share Menu and select the tab called Share to Boards. Here, you'll be able to paste the code of the Board you'd like to share that Buncee to!