
How To Create Classes & Student Accounts

If you are a teacher using a Classroom or Buncee for Schools & Districts account, you will be able to easily create Classes and make student accounts within the Classroom Dashboard.

Creating a New Class


Step 1

After logging in, click on the 'Classes' tab at the top left corner to open your Classroom Dashboard.


Step 2

In this Classroom Dashboard, you will see a list of Classes that are currently in your account, as well as the 'Add New Class' option for creating a new Class.


Step 3

Click on it, and type in the 'Class Name' and 'Subject'. You can also select a Grade level from the drop-down menu when you click on 'Grade'. Then, click 'Create'.


Step 4

Now, your new Class will appear in your Classroom Dashboard. You will be able to see its Class Name, the number of students in the Class, as well as the Class Code, as indicated below.



Adding Students to a Class

While students can create accounts and add themselves to your Class by entering your Class Code, younger learners might prefer having their accounts set up for them by the teacher. As the teacher, you can add students to your class via Manual Upload, adding from an existing student list, or by uploading a CSV file


Watch a video about creating student accounts here, or read the steps below for more details.


1. Manual Upload

Step 1

In your Classroom Dashboard, select the Class you'd like to add students to.

Step 2

Click on the pink 'Add Students' button on the right side of your Dashboard.


Step 3

Fill in the student's login credentials, then click on the '+' sign to add that student to your list.


Step 4

Continue the process for all students in your Class, and don't forget to click on the '+' sign again after you've filled in your last student!

NOTE: if you'd like all of your students to share the same password, simply click on 'Use One Password' and then fill in the shared password.


Step 5

You can write down the usernames and passwords that you create, and pass them to your students. Then, click 'Save'.

NOTE: you can change these later, and you can also export their login credentials.

In addition, you can set up Picture Passwords for your younger learners to login easily. Learn about setting Simple Login (Picture Passwords) for students here.


2. Adding from an existing student list

If you have added students previously in your Classroom Dashboard, you can add them to your new Class by selecting them under the 'Add from Student List' tab.



3. Uploading a CSV File

Click on the 'Import from CSV' tab, and follow the instructions for uploading CSV files. Make sure that you have named your headers 'first_name', 'last_name', 'username', and 'password'.




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